Modernisation of Higher Education Institutions through enhancement of Human Resources Management function

The purpose of this project was strengthening of Human Resources Management in higher education institutions and the development of innovative self-assessment tools for benchmarking Human Resources Management.

Research which lasted for two years and involved some 135 higher educational institutions resulted in numerous valuable results such as Overview of recent national policy developments in regards to HRM in HEIs within European higher education and Guidelines for developing HRM in HEIs.

Survey in HEI Introduction

In order to facilitate self-assessment exercise in HRM at higher education institutions the project has identified relevant areas, structured functions and detailed questions. The following tool can be used to analyse the own (strategic and operational) human resource management and to compare with other institutions.


The purpose of the project is the strengthening of Human Resources Management in higher education institutions and the development of innovative self-assessment tools for benchmarking Human Resources Management.


Benchmark tool developed within the project was result of research that was conducted over two years. First, we have defined areas that are important for successful human resources management in HEIs, and for each area we have provided a set of questions. In the second step we surveyed HEIs in Austria, Finland and Croatia and received online responses from 135 higher education institutions, of which 43% were private and 57% were public institutions.


Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education was the project leader of the project HRMinHEI co-funded by the Erasmus + programme, in partnership with higher education institutions from Croatia and Europe: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Rijeka and University College Algebra from Croatia, Danube University Krems from Austria and University of Tampere from Finland.
