Results of the HRMinHEI project presented

The results of the project HRMinHEI were presented on Friday 30 November 2018 at the University of Rijeka.

HRMinHEI project meeting was held

All project partners discussed the HR processes that have been developed at their institutions as a result of previous research work on developments and best HR practices in European HEIs.

Conference held on managing human resources at higher education institutions

The conference was organised within the scope of the project „Modernisation of higher education institutions through enhancement of human resources management function“ (HRMinHEI) that is financed through funding from the European Union programme Erasmus+.

Conference „Human Resources Management in Higher Education Institutions“

The Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE) is the leader of the project HRMinHEI in partnership with Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Rijeka, University College Algebra, Danube University Krems from Austria and University of Tampere from Finland.

HRMinHEI project meeting was held

The meeting gathered representatives of the project partners: Agency for Science and Higher Education, Algebra University of Applied Sciences, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Philosophy, Danube Krems University (Austria) and Tampere University (Finland).

Kick-off meeting of HRMinHEI project held

The kick-off meeting of the project HRMinHEI (Modernisation of Higher Education Institutions through enhancement of Human Resources Management function) co-funded by the Erasmus + programme, was held on 24 October 2016 at the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE).