Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education was the project leader of the project HRMinHEI co-funded by the Erasmus + programme, in partnership with higher education institutions from Croatia and Europe: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Rijeka and University College Algebra from Croatia, Danube University Krems from Austria and University of Tampere from Finland.



Agency for Science and Higher Education (Croatia)

azvo logo hrThe Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education (AZVO/ASHE) is a public, independent quality assurance agency with the mission of quality assuring and enhancing the Croatian system of higher education and science. All Croatian higher education and scientific institutions are subject to evaluations implemented by the Agency, and by 2015 all Croatian higher education institutions had gone through the first cycle of evaluations (re-accreditations). The Agency is listed in EQAR, is a member of ENQA and numerous other networks (e.g. ECA, INQAAHE, CEENQA, CHEA International) and has an ISO 9001 certified quality management system.

In addition to the core accreditation and evaluation activities, the Agency carries out consultative and systematic educational activities at the national level especially regarding enhancement of both external and internal quality assurance system.
Furthermore, the Agency is providing administrative support to a number of policy-making bodies in the Croatian system (e.g. the National Council for Science and Higher Education, the Council of Colleges and Polytechnics) as well as election into scientific titles and centralized admissions to Croatian higher education institutions.

The Croatian ENIC/NARIC office is part of ASHE, performing professional recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and providing information on the national and foreign higher education system, as well as support to academic recognition of qualifications and other types of support to higher education institutions.

As for its consultative and support role, the ASHE has extensive experience in providing support to HEIs’ management and HEIs’ Internal Quality Assurance Units in their permanent effort to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their institutions in order to meet and exceed standards for internal quality assurance (1.1-1.9) as described in the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ESG).
ASHE employs a team of 75 people, with about 100 associates – stakeholder representatives in standing committees – and hundreds of external review experts it works with.



The University of Tampere (Finland)

university tampere logoThe University of Tampere (UTA), with its nine schools and some 15,000 degree students, of which about 500 are international degree students, is one of the largest and the most competitive universities in Finland. In addition, the UTA hosts another 500 incoming exchange students. The staff consists of about 2 200 members, of which approximately 150 have an international background. The UTA conducts research in the social sciences and humanities, medicine and health sciences, management and business, as well as education and information sciences. According to the university profile, the focus areas of research are society and health. In its research, the university addresses the central issues in contemporary society. By providing critical knowledge and education, UTA aims to helps people and societies to improve their health and their cultural, social and economic well-being.

The School of Management is an academic research and education unit operating in the areas of Politics, Business and Public Management. It is a large community with 3,500 students and more than 200 staff members, including 40 professors. It is the leading institution in Field of public administration in Finland. The school of Management has a specialized unit working in the field of Higher Education Administration under the Public Management unit. One of the focus areas of the research has been the personnel policies and HRM in Universities.



The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Croatia)

home logo ffriThe Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka (FHSS), Croatia, has a long history and tradition in providing study programmes from the fields of humanities and social sciences and is a University of Rijeka’s constituent. FHSS provides new undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies according to the principles of Bologna Declaration.

The faculty offers single study programmes and double study programmes in free combinations and carries out four (4) doctoral study programmes. The entire educational and research work at the Faculty is organized within the departments (11 departments) and one Division. The Faculty also contains laboratories and different centers. The core mission of FHSS is providing a higher education throughout three integrated main areas: teaching, research and professional work. FHSS is striving to be the place of exchanging ideas, critical thinking and scientific research with valuing intellectual freedom, cooperation, connecting the science and profession, encouraging of the diversity and valuing knowledge. The Faculty also insists on regional and worldwide networking. A strong cooperation with institutions within local, regional and international levels, strengthening of active cooperation and excellent results in education and research gives the Faculty a high level of credibility and visibility in the national and regional area. With the aim of internationalization of Faculty’s research capacities and teaching and research mobility Faculty is trying to contribute to enhanced education and scientific research.



University College Algebra (Croatia)

algebra subbrand VU color black h 300x104University College Algebra is non for profit private accredited higher educational institution active in the fields of computer engineering and economy. Institutions’ current study programs on levels 6 and 7 of EQF (undergraduate and graduate) include; computer engineering, multimedia engineering and digital marketing on both levels.

Algebra currently has some 500 active students and 80 teachers, out of which more than 20 are full time employees, with additional 20 full time employed assistants, technical and administrative staff. According to the Croatian national Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE), Algebra currently has highly developed QA system and outstanding overall reaccreditation results compared to other professional higher educational institutions in Croatia. For provision of innovative projects aiming to attract more secondary school students to STEM Algebra was awarded Partner of the year 2014 – best Microsoft educational partner award (out of 3200 institutions globally). Institution has experience in some 20 EU funded projects as a consortium partner or leading organization during the past decade. Besides digital technologies, being main focus of professional and scientific interest, team of scientists and experts is active and relevant also in areas of Social Network Analysis (SNA) in Human Resource Development (HRD) as well as in introduction of HRM and knowledge management ICT systems in public and private organizations in Croatia.



Danube University Krems (Austria)

donau universitat krems logoDanube University Krems is Europe’s only state-run university for postgraduate education. It combines high quality in education, research and consulting with customer orientation and service. Customers, in this context, are students as well as their employers. Founded in 1995, the university today has more than 8,500 students, 550 staff and 18,000 alumni. DUK offers more than 300 postgraduate master programs in fields like medicine, management, education and arts, all of which have been designed for students who bring along work experience in their field of studies.

Serving mostly working students, DUK has vast experience in interlinking learning experiences made at the work-place and at university. This linkage transcends to DUK’s Department for Continuing Education Research and Educational Management, which combines applied research, postgraduate studies and consultancy work. The department’s activities are directed towards professionalizing higher education management, implementing professional teaching and training and preparing institutions for processes of lifelong learning.

Within the department, the Centre for Educational Management and Higher Education Development offers three master’s programmes and has longstanding experience with EU projects, most prominently as coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE, FPA 2012-0207, 2011-2018). Previously, the Centre was involved in numerous EU LLP projects, e.g. HE_LeO (Competence Orientation and Learning Outcomes in HE, 2006-2008, Leonard da Vinci), MODERN (European Platform HE Modernisation, 2008-2012, Structural Networks) and EU-Drivers (European Drivers for a Regional Innovation Platform, 2010 – 2012, ERASMUS Multilateral Networks).

The Department and the Centre are therefore integrated into the mainstream policy and network information patterns in the Austrian and European context. With its experitise in LLL and continuing education of professionals, it comanages the AUCEN (Austrian University Continuing Education and Staff Development Network).

The Centre is coordinating the project MVAÖH – Create competencies (, which aim is continuing aqusition of competencies for managers and adiministrative staff at the Austrian universities. The management and administration academy established under this project has the full support of the Austrian Ministries.
