University College Algebra (Croatia)
Robert Kopal
Robert Kopal, Ph.D., University College Professor; Vice Dean for R&D at Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia; Chief Science Officer (CSO) at IN2data Ltd., Zagreb, Croatia; Member of National Council for Development of Human Potential; Member of Head Committee for the Area of Social Sciences (polytechnics and colleges); lecturer at several university colleges in Croatia, and at CROMA (Croatian Managers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Association) EduCare Program; author & co-author of nine books (on competitive intelligence analysis, game theory, etc.), numerous chapters in books of various authors, and more than forty scientific and professional papers; workshop manager and teacher at more than hundred business and intelligence analysis workshops; designer of several specialized IT systems; certified trainer in the area of structured intelligence analysis techniques and SW; Member of BDVA – Big Data Value Association; SCIP and IALEIA member; Editorial Board Member of Global Journal of Technology and Optimization; Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences; held presentations at various national and international conferences; participated in, and led a number of national and international intelligence analysis projects. His area of special expertise, where he published number of his scientific articles and book chapters is Application of Social Network Analysis (SNA) in business, organization and Human Resource Development (HRD), and he will be tasked to support activities within this project where SNA is being used to for mapping important knowledge relationships between people or departments—to be particularly helpful for improving collaboration, knowledge creation and knowledge transfer in organizational settings.
Nataša Trojak
Nataša Trojak, Msc. is Vice Dean for students and senior lecturer of the economic group of subjects at Algebra University College. She graduated in 1996 and defended a master of science in 2009, both at the Faculty of Economics, department “Organization and Management”. She is currently attending the doctoral program in psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, where she focused on the area of organizational psychology and human resources management.
During her studies she started working in a number of smaller companies, and after graduation continued her career in Wrigley, then AWT International, Gastro Grupa, and finally opened her own company. Since 2001 she is educator for number of workshops, training and classic classes in different higher education institutions, but also in companies, development agencies, etc. Since 2009, professional career continued in the field of higher education, when she started to work for Effectus as Senior Lecturer and Vice dean for tuition. Since September 2015 she is working at Algebra University College.
The emphasis in the teaching process is in the area of management, strategic management, human resources management and entrepreneurship. She held a series of workshops for various groups of participants (companies, craftsmen, individuals) from earlier mentioned areas. As Vice-Dean participated in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of training for teachers. She has published, individually and in a team, a series of articles, teaching materials and books mainly in the field of management and entrepreneurship. She also participates in national and international conferences.
Mislav Balković
Mislav Balković, Ph.D., Higher lecturer; Dean at Algebra University College, is active researcher in the area of National Qualifications Framework and Knowledge management where he participated in number of national projects including development of legislation for CROQF and implementation of various policy and regulatory documents in higher, VET and adult education. He is currently working on research in the area of Validation of non-formal and informal learning and will support project activities in respect to development of modern knowledge management approaches. Mislav was a member of Advisory Committee for Vocational Education and Training, DG Education and Culture, EU Commission, Bruxelles – representative of Croatian employers (2010 – 2012). He currently acts as the president of Sector skills council for Electrotechnic and Computing, member of National Council for Science and Higher education, member of Government’s committee for implementation of education, science and technology Strategy and coordinator of Croatian Social-Economic Council’s committee for employment, labour market and education. Mislav has number of scientific and professional articles and two books in area of knowledge management and its different aspects and will use its experience in order to help prepare national guidelines and other policy documents this project is expected to deliver. Mislav has significant experience in implementation of EU funded project (participated in some 20 projects as partner or lead) and teaches course in this area to graduate students.