Survey in HEI Introduction
In order to facilitate self-assessment exercise in HRM at higher education institutions the project has identified relevant areas, structured functions and detailed questions. The following tool can be used to analyse the own (strategic and operational) human resource management and to compare with other institutions.
Following quality enhancement, like the EFQM model, self-assessment for human resource management (HRM) is a strategic tool to support organisational planning, strategy development and performance improvement, which creates a comprehensive picture of the higher education institution’s HRM and integrates all interested and relevant units inside the institution. Self-assessments requires planed and intensive communication as well as explanations between the involved units. Self-assessment also improves the institutional understanding for strategy, services and processes and stimulates the further development of a common language. Self-assessment is a structured method based on facts and indicators and should lead to a systematic analysis of strengths and possibilities for improvements.
The questions within the tool can be answered by individuals but also for example in cases of large institutions, decentralised HRM etc. by teams. This assessment tool was developed within the Erasmus+ project Modernisation of Higher Education Institutions through enhancement of Human Resources Management function (HRMinHEI).
The term Higher education institution (HEI) considers all the public and private education institutions that conduct programs in higher education. Thereby HEI refers to the University or other legal entity that has or carries over employer responsibility. This tool/survey consists of statements that you should evaluate on a five degree scale depending on how well the statement describes the current state in your HEI.
Please appraise the extent to which the items below refer to the current state in your HEI by using the following scale:
There are no correct or incorrect answers.
While evaluating, please try to conscientiously and critically assess the actual situation in your HEI. All the statements, by which you are going to evaluate the current/actual state of human resources management processes and system(s) in your HEI, are grouped into ten groups.
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